Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Value in Growth Clothes: Growth in Value Clothes

There’s been plenty of ink recently spilled over Walgreen’s (WBA), a popular dividend stock. The company had been a darling for dividend investors, and up until recently had a high dividend yield. The company has been on hard times, closing stores, and had to end a 48 year streak of annual dividend increases in January 2024. It did the unthinkable – it cut dividends. 

Many view Walgreen’s as a cautionary tale against investing for dividends.

On the other hand of the spectrum, many are chasing Eli Lilly (LLY), a company which seems to have found the pill formula against obesity. The stock is a top performer over the past decade, one of the largest companies in the US. 

Performance of Walgreen versus Eli Lilly, 2009 - 2024

Many view Eli Lilly as a growth stock. Ironically, many view it as a cautionary tale against investing for dividends too.

Few are aware that it even pays a dividend however. The company is now a dividend achiever.

It’s fun to take a snapshot today, and measure fundamentals and popular sentiment. 

It’s fun to observe how stock prices really drive investor sentiment. Everyone wishes they owned a hot high flier. Nobody wishes they ever even heard about a company that has fallen on hard times however.

Today, everyone sees Ely Lilly as a hot growth stock. Everyone sees Walgreen’s as a broken value stock.

Yet, 15 years ago or so, the roles were actually reversed. 

Performance of Walgreen versus Eli Lilly, 1994 - 2009

Back in 2009 – 2010, many investors saw Walgreen’s (WBA) as a growth stock. The company was a leader in its field, it was growing store count, and it was a beneficiary of a decades long trends. Its earnings per share had been growing for decades, as had its dividend. It had delivered an amazing total return performance for its shareholders. It was a compounder that often sold at premium valuations. Check my review of Walgreen Co from 2009.

The company earned $2.02/share in 2009, which it grew to $5.02/share in 2022. Now it's projected to earn $2.85 in 2024. 

Back in 2009 – 2010, many investors saw Eli Lilly (LLY) as a value stock. The company had not grown earnings over the preceding decade, it was about to halt dividend increases and sold at single digit P/E and yielded almost 6%. It’s drug pipeline looked bleak, as the company had a slew of patent expirations. Check my review of Eli Lilly from 2009.

The company earned $3.94/share in 2009, and grew earnings to $5.82 in 2023. It's estimated to earn $13.73/share in 2024. 

Eli Lilly sold at a P/E of 8.80 in 2009. Today it sells at a forward P/E of 64.

While EPS did grow, there's also been a large tailwind from the expanding P/E ratio. It's possible that the company managed to grow into its multiple if it indeed grows earnings per share at the fast rate that Wallstreet is expecting it to do. But there is very little margin of safety in case those lofty projections do not get met even by a tiny bit.

As we all know, future returns are a function of fundamental returns and speculative returns.

1. Dividends

2. Earnings per share growth

3. Change in valuation

The first two items (dividends and EPS growth) are the fundamental sources of returns. The last one, change in valuation, is the speculative source of investment returns. 

Today Eli Lilly investors are paying a hefty premium for future growth. Even if that growth does materialize, it is within the spectrum of possibilities that they generate low or no total returns over the next decade or so, merely because the entry valuation is so lofty.

That's because earnings per share could grow massively, but if the P/E ratio shrinks, investors would see little in price returns. For example, if earnings per share do indeed reach $57/share in 2033, but the stock is valued at 15 times earnings, that would translate into a share price of $855. This is as much as the current share price of $857.

Today, Walgreen’s is viewed as a value trap, especially after disappointing over the past 15 years.

Eli Lilly is viewed as a promising growth stock, especially after exceeding expectations over the past 15 years.

Ironically, I had a lot of readers who bought Eli Lilly about 15 years ago or so for the dividend. It offered a high yield, which was appealing. If they held on to it, they would have made out like bandits..

One could argue that the same investors who bought Eli Lilly in 2009 for the dividend probably also bought Pfizer too. And that's a fair argument. The issue of course is that your losers can only lose so much, whereas your winners can really make up for many of those losers.

Perspective is a fascinating thing, isn’t it?

15 years ago, everyone saw Walgreen’s as a promising growth stock, available at a good valuation.

15 years ago, everyone saw Eli Lilly as a value trap, which was cheap for a reason.

Yet, conventional wisdom failed. 

This article is merely to point out that things can change for better or worse. It also means that the future may surprise your current expectations, for better or worse.

When you buy company at a good price, the most you can lose is the amount you invested, minus any dividends reinvested elsewhere. Hence, it is important to limit the amount of exposure per individual company when taking those signals.

The upside is that when a company really does perform to exceed expectations, the upside is unlimited. But you do need to hold on, and not sell early. 

Hence it's important to have margin of safety. That means diversification, buying value at a good price, and holding though thick or thin. 

While valuation is part art, part science, it is important to realize that overpaying massively for a company is the opposite of margin of safety.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Ten Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders With Raises

I review the list of dividend increases every week, as part of my review process. This exercise helps me to monitor existing holdings. It also helps me potentially identify companies for further research.

This exercise also shows the process I would go to review a company quickly, and the steps I would take to determine if I want to review it further for potential inclusion, or not. 

I typically focus my attention on companies which have managed to increase dividends for at least ten years in a row. Over the past week, there were ten companies which managed to increase dividends and also have a ten year track record of annual dividend increases under their belt. The companies include:

Albemarle Corporation (ALB) develops, manufactures, and markets engineered specialty chemicals worldwide. It operates through three segments: Energy Storage, Specialties and Ketjen.

The company raised quarterly dividends by 1.20% to $0.405/share. This was the 30th year of consecutive annual dividend increases for this dividend aristocrat. Over the past decade, the company has managed to grow dividend at an annualized rate of 5.20%.

Between 2014 and 2023, the company managed to grow earnings from $1.69/share to $13.41/share.

The company is expected to earn $2.32/share in 2024. The cyclical nature of the business is pretty evident from those fluctuations in annual earnings per share figures over the past decade.

The stock sells for 39.80 times forward earnings and yields 1.75%.

Community Financial System, Inc. (CBU) operates as the bank holding company for Community Bank, N.A. that provides various banking and other financial services to retail, commercial, institutional, and municipal customers. It operates through three segments: Banking, Employee Benefit Services, and All Other. 

The company raised its quarterly dividend by 2.20% to $0.46/share. This is the 32nd consecutive year of dividend increases for this dividend champion. Over the past decade, the company has managed to increase dividends at an annualized rate of 4.87%.

“Our consistent profitability, rooted in our financial services business model, coupled with our strong cash flows, have positioned us to increase our dividend for 32 consecutive years. We have returned over $750 million to our Shareholders through dividends over the last 10 years and believe a growing dividend demonstrates our commitment to provide favorable long term returns to our Shareholders.”

The company earned $2.24/share in 2014 and eked out a small rate of growth in EPS to $2.45/share in 2023.

The company is expecting to earn $3.21/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 18.30 times forward earnings and yields 3.15%.

Duke Energy Corporation (DUK) operates as an energy company in the United States. It operates through two segments: Electric Utilities and Infrastructure (EU&I), and Gas Utilities and Infrastructure (GU&I). 

The company increased quarterly dividends by 2% to $1.045/share. This is the 20th year of consecutive annual dividend increases for this dividend achiever. Over the past decade, the company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 2.77%.

Between 2014 and 2023, the company managed to grow earnings from $2.66/share to $3.54/share. 

The company is expected to earn $5.97/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 17.90 times forward earnings and yields 3.90%.

Greene County Bancorp, Inc. (GCBC) operates as a holding company for The Bank of Greene County that provides various financial services in the United States. The company has generated impressive returns to shareholders since its IPO in 1999. The annual report looks interesting to read as well.

The bank raised its quarterly dividends by 12.50% to $0.09/share. This was the eleventh year of consecutive annual dividend increases for this dividend achiever. Over the past decade, the company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 5.54%.

The company managed to grow earnings per share from $0.39 in 2014 to $1.81 in 2023.

The stock sells for 23.70 times earnings and yields 1.06%.

Mercantile Bank Corporation (MBWM) operates as the bank holding company for Mercantile Bank of Michigan that provides commercial and retail banking services to small- to medium-sized businesses and individuals in the United States. 

The company raised its quarterly dividend by 2.90% to $0.36/share. This also represents a 5.90% increase over the dividend paid during the same time last year. This is the 12th consecutive annual dividend increase for this dividend achiever. Over the past decade, the company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 11.53%.

"The Board of Directors' declaration of an increased third quarter cash dividend is a testament to our ongoing commitment to enhance shareholder value through worthwhile cash returns," said Ray Reitsma, President and Chief Executive Officer of Mercantile.  "Our financial metrics have remained strong during the lengthy period of uncertain economic and operating conditions, which coupled with the realization of solid financial results in future periods as anticipated, should allow us to continue to reward shareholders with competitive dividend yields while maintaining sufficient capital levels to meet asset growth objectives."

Between 2014 and 2024, the company managed to grow earnings from $1.28/share to $5.13/share.

The company is expected to earn $4.81/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 10 times forward earnings and yields 3%.

NNN REIT (NNN) invests primarily in high-quality retail properties subject generally to long-term, net leases.

National Retail Properties raised quarterly dividends by 2.70% to $0.58/share. This marks the 35th consecutive annual dividend increase for this dividend champion.

Over the past decade, the REIT has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 3.37%

Steve Horn, Chief Executive Officer, commented: "Maintaining a multi-year perspective has kept NNN in position to increase the annual dividend for the 35th consecutive year in 2024.  A disciplined capital deployment strategy and a strong, flexible balance sheet have allowed NNN to continue this impressive track record of consistent growth."

The REIT generated $3.26/share in FFO in 2023. It is expected to generate $3.31/share in FFO in 2024.

The REIT sells for 13.90 times forward FFO and yields 5.03%.

PPG Industries, Inc. (PPG) manufactures and distributes paints, coatings, and specialty materials in the United States, Canada, the Asia Pacific, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. It operates through two segments, Performance Coatings and Industrial Coatings.

The company increased quarterly dividends by 4.60% to $0.68/share. This is the 53rd consecutive annual dividend increases for this dividend king. During the past decade, the company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 7.70%.

“We are proud of PPG’s long heritage of rewarding shareholders and pleased with the opportunity to increase our dividend per share. This dividend growth reflects the strong confidence that PPG’s Board has in the resiliency of our business and the strength and future growth of our operating cash flow,” said Tim Knavish, PPG chairman and chief executive officer.

Earnings per share declined from $7.60 in 2014 to $5.38 in 2023.

The company is expected to earn $8.29/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 15.45 times forward earnings and yields 2.12%.

Regions Financial Corporation (RF) is a financial holding company which provides banking and bank-related services to individual and corporate customers. It operates through three segments: Corporate Bank, Consumer Bank, and Wealth Management. 

The company increased quarterly dividends by 4.20% to $0.25/share. This is the 12th consecutive annual dividend increase for this dividend achiever. Over the past decade, the company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 26.50%. The high rate of dividend growth is due to the fact the bank cut dividends to the bone during the Global Financial Crisis of 2007 - 2009. The growth is unlikely to be repeated over the next decade from current levels.

Regions Financial managed to grow earnings from $0.80/share in 2014 to $2.11/share in 2023.

The bank is expected to earn $1.97/share.

The stock sells for 11.20 times forward earnings and yields 4.52%.

State Street Corporation (STT)  provides a range of financial products and services to institutional investors worldwide. 

The company raised quarterly dividends by 10.10% to $0.76/share. This is the 14th consecutive annual dividend increase for this dividend achiever. Over the past decade, the company managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 9.70%.

Between 2014 and 2023, the company managed to grow earnings per share from $3 to $9.35.

The company is expected to earn $8.20/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 10.30 times forward earnings and yields 3.60%

Union Pacific Corporation (UNP) operates in the railroad business in the United States. 

Union Pacific raised its quarterly dividend by 3.10% to $1.34/share. This marks the 18th consecutive annual dividend increase for this dividend achiever. Union Pacific had kept the quarterly dividend unchanged at $1.30/share since the second quarter of 2022. If the company had not raised dividends this year,  it would have lost its status as a dividend achiever. Over the past decade, the company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 13.40%.

“Union Pacific has a strong track record of delivering cash returns to its shareholders,” said Jennifer Hamann, executive vice president and chief financial officer. “We’re building on that record with a 3% increase in the third quarter, our 18th consecutive year of increased annual dividends per share.”

Between 2014 and 2023 the company grew earnings from $5.77/share to $10.47/share.

The company is expected to earn $11.24/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 21.50 times forward earnings and yields 2.20%.

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Best Performing Stock in the Past Century

I recently read an interesting paper titled "Which U.S. Stocks Generated the Highest Long-Term Returns?" by prof Hendrik Bessembinder.

This paper reviewed the annualized returns on all 29,078 publicly-listed stocks in the US between December 1925 and December 2023. It found that the the best performing stock over the past century or so in the US was Altria Group (MO) (which was known as Philip Morris).

Investors who put $1 into Altria in December 1925, and then kept everything and reinvested all those dividends, ended up $2.65 Million dollars. That's a cumulative return of 265 million percent.

That comes out to an annualized return of 16.29%. This is a market beating return, which resulted in a magnificent amount of wealth, especially when you compound that over the course of almost a century (98 years to be precise).

The table below lists the common stocks with the highest cumulative returns over the past century in the US. I see a lot of familiar dividend names here:

One striking observation that can be drawn from the data in Table 2 is that the highest cumulative returns delivered by individual common stocks are attributable to annualized returns that are only moderately high. However, these moderately high returns are compounded over long time periods, averaging 92.1 years. Of course, few investors have an investment horizon of one century. However, if you can find consistent companies that can build wealth at a slow but steady fashion over long periods of time, you can build generational wealth. And probably maintain it too.

This basically shows that many dividend companies with staying power have managed to compound returns to shareholders over long periods of time. Which is really how you generate long-term wealth.

Certain industries are built to last. So are certain companies.

While future winners are hard to identify in advance, there are certain lessons to learn from studying past winners.

Notably, you are looking for:

1. Wide Moats

2. Strong Brands

3. Earnings per share growth

4. Long-term runway

5. Staying power

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The value of experience

“Good decisions come from experience. Experience. comes from bad decisions.” - Mark Twain


I am a big fan of long-term investing. This is one of the few areas in life, where a small initial amount can deliver amazing results, net worth and income to the patient individual.


However, long-term investing is not smooth sailing at all. There are a lot of obstacles to compounding, a lot of doubt, fear and uncertainty along the way. Not many are able to go through the gut wrenching declines, or the long flat markets that test everyone's conviction.


On the other hand, you are also always worried that your investments would give back any gains, and that there will be a big bad bear market, that also coincides with the next great depression. Even if everything goes according to plan, there is always someone that sounds very smart in predicting exactly how and when the collapse would occur.

It’s even harder to stick to your investments, when you constantly see others that may have somehow selected a better, shinier and lookingly more profitable investment or strategy than you. You get envy, you feel like your strategy is “not working”, you want to jump ship.

The fun part is that no investment strategy will always work all the time, and will always outperform everyone else.

The best strategy is the one you can stick to, through thick or thin.

This is why it is imperative that you find a strategy that you are comfortable with, and then stick to it. One still needs to try and improve over time, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they need to rip and replace it every few years. I am talking about small, incremental changes, nothing drastic.

After all, markets go through different cycles and regime changes. What’s hot in one cycle, may turn out to be a major dud in the next. The investor who chases performance may end up capitulating from their former strategy at the worst time possible. They may end up compounding their mistake by embracing the next strategy at its height of importance, but possibly the worst time for returns.


Veteran investors know to control their emotions, and just stick to their plan however, knowing that their time would come. They win some during a favorable cycle, keep investing through the down cycle, and live to see another day when the tide turns in their favor.

Some of these cycles may be very long – think a decade or two. Those are career making cycles, which may give you the impression of a long-term trend. That makes a lot of sense, because on average, I would guesstimate that the average investor only seriously invests for about 2 – 3 decades.

Recency bias and performance chasing are thus something to be aware of. Biases and impulse could be a problem for your long-term wealth building plan.

For example, a lot of investors today are just saying to just invest in S&P 500. This is particularly easy to conclude after witnessing basically a non-stop bull market since 2009. While we have had some declines in 2011, 2018, and even a couple of bear markets in 2020 and 2022, US Stocks have been on a tear.


This is in stark contrast with the experience from 2000 to 2012, when US Stocks practically went nowhere. US Stocks practically delivered zero in total returns during this time period. To add insult to injury, we also experienced two gut wrenching 50% declines – the dot-com bust and the Global Financial Crisis. These events also coincided with recessions, which also increased unemployment and made it very difficult not only to hold on to your stocks, but add to them. After all, back at the depths of the 2008 – 2009 recession, a lot of investors saw that their regular 401 (k) contribution plans had not made any profit, going back to the late 1990s. Even if you just kept investing regularly, you didn’t make money. That was a terrible thing, especially given inflation and the fact that many investors had to dip into their nest eggs, amidst unemployment and the difficulty in securing another job. Even finding work at Wal-Mart was not easy at that time.

Back around 2000 – 2012, it was very hard to convince folks to invest in US stocks. That’s because the recent trends had been that of stagnation. Everyone else was focused on the Emerging Markets, and Foreign Markets, as well as Bonds, which had had a very good decade. Remember the BRICs?  So the general sentiment was to diversify abroad, and into other asset classes. Including commodities as well. Papers were being written, showing how investing in commodities had somehow done better than investing in stocks too. Then as we all know, the pendulum swung the other way – the cycle of US stocks not doing well, and foreign/emerging market stocks doing very well ended in 2011/2012. Now it’s the opposite since 2011.

Investors who owned US Stocks in 2000 had their patience tested. But if they held on for 12 long years, they were rewarded by 12 years of bounty, which more than compensated them for the pain.

And of course, if you remember, back in 1999/2000, the US was at the top of the world. Owning S&P 500 was the no-brainer investment, especially after it had done so well in the 1990s. Of course, it didn’t work out for the next 12 years, testing everyone’s patience and conviction.

I follow a lot of novice investors who seem to think that the only way to invest today is by investing in technology companies. Focusing on the best performing sector of the past 15 years definitely seems like a smart strategy today.

However, it ignores past history. It’s also incredibly risky. The past 15 years were great. But the previous 15 years, aka those from 2000 to 2015 were not. That’s when you had the dot-com bubble bursting, which saw an 80% decline in the Nasdaq Composite and Nasdaq 100. Many individual companies fell even more, to the point of going bust. Many investors lost their shirts, never again to invest in the stock market. Then it took 15 long years for the average to regain its all-time-highs. Many of the leaders from 2000 have not recovered, with some going under. The leaders today are companies that weren’t even public in 2000 or were just small footnotes on the stock market.

The investors buying tech in the 1990s and early 2000 have mostly been wiped out. It is very unlikely to find a tech investor today, who was also there to overcome the pain of the dot-com bust. The investors buying tech today, or buying it in the past 10 – 15 years were very likely not investing before that. They have no muscle memory from the carnage. 

Sector bets are risky, because they seem like they would go in forever, and they do, until they don’t. Do you remember the best sector between 2000 and 2014? That was energy. The energy revolution did deliver energy independence to the US. But investors did not do so well over the past decade.

Many Investors tend to base their investment decisions based on recent experience. They simply take recent experience, and extrapolate it into the future. That may work under some conditions, but not work under others. Either way, the experience could be a two-edged sword. On one hand, it could be profitable and works. On the other hand, it could be unprofitable and it doesn’t work.

In the context of investors who are piling on to technology today, all they’ve seen is a concentrated sector bet work. So they take this recent experience, and extrapolate it into the future, without thinking about what could go wrong.

Those who have lived through tech carnages, such as the 2000 – 2012 period, tend to remember those and extrapolate into the future as well. They are humbled by it. However, they also missed out on the huge tech run in the past 10 – 15 years, because of the painful experiences from the dot-com bust.

The same goes for the cycles of “value” and “growth”. US and international. Dividend versus non-dividend. Technology.

As you can see, there are long cycles. The experience in one cycle would likely mean making money. But the same lessons would be devastating into another cycle.

For example, some investors learned that timing the market works between 2000 and 2012. Selling S&P 500 when it hit 1,500 was smart, and buying it back when it’s low worked. The issue was that in 2013 that was a bad idea, because if you sold, you missed out on a 4 bagger. Or worse, if you were short the market, you lost money in one of the longest bull markets in history.

For another example, in a bull market investors learn the lesson that “valuation doesn’t matter”. When a rising tide lifts all boats, and especially the more speculative companies, you get rewarded for taking on risks. Valuation is more of a hindrance to taking on those risks. However, it does matter in the very long run, and could be especially helpful if we are not in a raging bull market. Which historically we are not always in.

You have to ride the ups and downs, in order to stand a chance of making money and not just treading water all your investing life.

Dividend Growth Investing has been my strategy of choice. It was definitely easy to stick to it, as the 2000 – 2012 period saw it do very well in making money and doing better than the market. Other strategies like technology did really really poorly, amidst 80% drawdowns that had many investors sell and lose hope in markets altogether. During the hard times, dividend growth stocks delivered slow and steady returns.

However, the past 12 years saw it do worse than the market. There are other strategies like technology, which really did very well. While Dividend Growth Investors made money, they didn’t do as well as others. During the good times, dividend growth stocks delivered slow and steady returns. I don't think relative performance comparisons are useful, because you end up chasing performance, and less likely to stick to an investment strategy through the eventual ups and downs. Keeping up with the Dow Joneses could be costly in the long run.

Many investors are extrapolating the good times of the past 12+ years, and assuming they would continue indefinitely. This is where a lot of investors are abandoning dividend oriented strategies. I believe these investors are making a mistake, as they are chasing performance and subjecting themselves to their recency bias. Of course, if there is indeed a paradigm shift, it’s possible that I am just a stubborn old person who refuses to learn. In that case, I won’t be the disciplined person I think I am. Oh well.

I believe that if we do see a regime shift again, at some point in the future, the dividend strategies would shine again on a relative and absolute basis. (we saw that briefly in 2022). This is what is appealing to me with dividend oriented strategies – when the going gets tough and we have a bear  market, you don’t lose as much. This makes it easier to hold on during the hard times. The predictability of dividends, which are received on a regular schedule, also makes it easy to hold on to a stock, and focus on fundamentals, rather than the oscillating share price. After all, dividends are much more stable, and predictable when compared to share prices. That’s because dividends come from cashflows, and not the opinions of others. Share prices reflect the opinions of others, which is why they can overshoot above or below intrinsic values.

During a bull market however, reliable dividend companies are shunned. They do not go up as much as others, particularly shiny new emerging concepts. However, they still deliver slow but steady returns. When the cycle turns, those investors are happy to own those steady eddies, which shower them with growing torrents of cash. All of this makes them sleep well at night.

The things that make Buffett special, is that he has been able to consistently make money, despite the cycle we are in. He has done that, because he has stuck to his strategy for decades, while patiently improving. Perhaps having some diversified exposure can help.

Those ordinary investors like you and me however have only a few smart tools within our disposal.

Notably, to stick to our strategy, and stay the course, while ignoring the songs of the sirens. Someone will always be getting rich faster than you or me, but that’s not the end of the world, for as long as we reach our own goals and objectives. Keeping up with the Joneses can be costly, and derail our train on its way to financial independence.

The investment journey is long and arduous. In order to achieve goals, one needs to survive it first. Chasing what’s hot may work for a while in one cycle, but it is not a plan that would work over one’s whole investment lifecycle. That lifecycle is comprised of many cycles. What's hot in one cycle is unlikely to be hot over all the cycles you are going to be investing for. Sticking to a strategy lets investors stay the course, and reach their goals and objectives. It also helps ignore the noise.



Monday, July 15, 2024

Nine Dividend Growth Stocks Increasing Dividends Last Week

I review the list of dividend increases every single week, as part of my monitoring process. This exercise helps me to monitor existing holdings. It also helps me potentially identify companies for further research.

I typically focus my attention on the companies with a ten year track record of annual dividend increases. 

Over the past week, there were nine companies that both raised dividends to shareholders and also have a ten year streak of consecutive annual dividend increases. I have included a short summary behind each company, the raise, and the type of fundamental and valuation information I use to quickly decide if a company should be placed on my list for research or not.

The nine companies are listed below:

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BK) provides a range of financial products and services in the United States and internationally. The company operates through Securities Services, Market and Wealth Services, Investment and Wealth Management, and other segments.

The company hiked quarterly dividends by 11.90% to $0.47/share.  This is the 14th consecutive annual dividend increases for this dividend achiever. The company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 8.70% over the past 5 years.

The company managed to grow earnings per share from $2.17 in 2014 to $3.89 in 2023.

The company is expected to earn $5.52/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 11.15 times forward earnings and yields 2.91%.

Cummins Inc. (CMI) designs, manufactures, distributes, and services diesel and natural gas engines, electric and hybrid powertrains, and related components worldwide. It operates through five segments: Engine, Distribution, Components, Power Systems, and Accelera.

Cummins raised quarterly dividends by 8.30% to $1.82/share. Cummins is a dividend achiever which has increased the quarterly common stock dividend to shareholders for 19 consecutive years. The company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 7.90% over the past 5 years.

Between 2014 and 2023, the company's earnings/share went from $9.04 to $5.19. That was driven by one-time charges against income however.

The company is expected to earn $18.53/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 15.10 times forward earnings and yields 2.54%.

Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (EPD) provides midstream energy services to producers and consumers of natural gas, natural gas liquids (NGLs), crude oil, petrochemicals, and refined products. It operates in four segments: NGL Pipelines & Services, Crude Oil Pipelines & Services, Natural Gas Pipelines & Services, and Petrochemical & Refined Products Services.

The partnership hiked quarterly distributions by 1.90% to $0.525/unit. This is also a 5% increase over the distribution paid during the same time last year. This is the 26th consecutive annual distribution hike for this dividend champion.

Over the past five years, EPD has managed to grow distributions at an annualized rate of 2.90%.

The units yield 7.15% today.

Gladstone Land (LAND) is a publicly traded real estate investment trust that acquires and owns farmland and farm-related properties located in major agricultural markets in the U.S. and leases its properties to unrelated third-party farmers

Gladstone Land increased its monthly dividends by 0.20% to $0.0467/share. This is a 1.08% raise over the monthly dividend paid during the same time last year. This is also the tenth consecutive annual dividend increase for this newly minted dividend achiever. The company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 0.80% over the past 5 years.

The REIT grew FFO/share from $0.24 in 2014 to $0.62 in 2023. It's expected to generate $0.62/share in FFO in 2024.

The stock sells for 23.50 times forward FFO and yields 3.83%.

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. (MMC) is a professional services company, which provides advice and solutions to clients in the areas of risk, strategy, and people worldwide. It operates through Risk and Insurance Services, and Consulting segments. 

Marsh & McLennan increased quarterly dividends by 14.80% to $0.815/share. This is the 15th year of consecutive annual dividend increases for this dividend achiever. The company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 10.50% over the past 5 years.

The company managed to grow earnings per share from $2.69 in 2014 to $7.60 in 2023.

The company is expected to earn $8.70/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 25 times forward earnings and yields 1.50%.

Ryder System, Inc. (R) operates as a logistics and transportation company worldwide. It operates through three segments: Fleet Management Solutions (FMS), Supply Chain Solutions (SCS), and Dedicated Transportation Solutions (DTS).

The company raised quarterly dividends by 14.10% to $0.81/share. This is the 20th consecutive annual dividend increase for this dividend achiever. The company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 4.65% over the past 5 years.

Between 2014 and 2023, the company managed to grow earnings from $4.14/share to $8.90/share.

The company is expected to earn $12.04/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 10.40 times forward earnings and yields 2.50%.

The J. M. Smucker Company (SJM) manufactures and markets branded food and beverage products worldwide. It operates in four segments: U.S. Retail Coffee, U.S. Retail Frozen Handheld and Spreads, U.S. Retail Pet Foods, and Sweet Baked Snacks.

The company increased quarterly dividends by 2% to $1.08/share. This is the 27th consecutive annual dividend increase for this dividend aristocrat. The company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 5% over the past 5 years.

Between 2015 and 2024, the company managed to grow earnings from $3.33/share to $7.15/share.

The company is expected to earn $10/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 11.10 times forward earnings and yields 3.82%.

Unum Group (UNM) provides financial protection benefit solutions primarily in the United States, the United Kingdom, Poland, and internationally. It operates through Unum US, Unum International, Colonial Life, and Closed Block segment. 

The company raised quarterly dividends by 15.10% to $0.42/share. This is the 16th year of consecutive annual dividend increases for this dividend achiever. The company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 7.25% over the past 5 years.

Between 2014 and 2023, the company managed to grow earnings from $1.57/share to $6.53/share.

The company is expected to earn $8.23/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 6.25 times forward earnings and yields 3.25%.

FS Bancorp, Inc. (FSBW) operates as a bank holding company for 1st Security Bank of Washington that provides banking and financial services to local families, local and regional businesses, and industry niches. The company operates in two segments, Commercial and Consumer Banking; and Home Lending. 

The company increased quarterly dividends by 3.80% to $0.27/share. This is the second dividend increase this year bringing the dividend 8% higher than its level from the same time last year. This is the 11th consecutive annual dividend increase for this dividend achiever. The company has managed to grow dividends at an annualized rate of 30.40% over the past 5 years.

Between 2014 and 2023, the company managed to grow earnings from $0.76/share to $4.63/share.

The bank is expected to earn $4.21/share in 2024.

The stock sells for 8.70 times forward earnings and yields 2.85%.

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