Dividend Growth Investor Newsletter


Thursday, May 8, 2008

The friendliest states for dividend investors

I usually spend several hours per week researching dividend investing. I go through hundreds of stocks and stock strategies in order to learn something new and get an edge over other investors in the marketplace. Over time I have started to notice that most companies from the state of Ohio look promising as dividend stocks and seem to be shareholder friendly. Thus, I conducted a short research in order to check which states were the friendliest for dividend aristocrats investors. By doing that, I could then isolate some specific trait for those states which might have escaped my attention, had I not focused on it.

I simply took the 59 aristocrats in the index and checked to see where they are headquartered. And the winner was Illinois, with 7 dividend companies located there. The number two spot is held by three competing states – North Carolina, New York and Ohio. New Jersey holds the third spot for most dividend aristocrats located there.

Relevant Articles:

- Why dividends matter?

- My Goals

- What’s a passive income from dividends?

-Why do I like Dividend Aristocrats?