Dividend Growth Investor Newsletter


Friday, April 18, 2008

Blogs and Free Money - April 18,2008

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MoneyNing mentioned my article diversification and portfolio allocation in his weekly review.


There is a new carnival in the blogosphere named "carnival of dividends and passive income", whose "host" is Livingoffdividends. You can submit articles here. Hurry up because the next edition of the carnival is scheduled for April 21!


There are several articles from fellow dividend bloggers which I considered interesting.

The Dividend Guy presented Dividend Increases are Down and Dividend Cuts Are Up at his blog. Compared to 2007 the positive dividend actions dropped from 740 to 598.

Dividends4life presented his analysis of NNN, which is a REIT. This dividend achiever makes 7% of his portfolio.

Financial Jungle presented High Yielding Dividend Stocks Flexing Muscles, which is basically a summary of a research from Tweedy Brown.

If you are wondering why salaried income is not enough to make you rich, read Tax Benefits Of Passive Income, posted at the Living Off Dividends blog. That's truly inspiring to go and increase your alternative income streams.

Speaking of passive income, the Money Gardener posted his favorite graph in his article $5.18 per day & growing.

Related Articles:

- Carnivals, Festivals Blogs and Free Money - April 14

- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs

- Festival of Stocks #82

- Carnival of Money Stories #52

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